Jelly is one of those foods that everyone associates with childhood, and ergo everbody flipping loves. This jelly is a grown-up take on all those wibbling memories of party bags and pudding, and a complete doddle to make. It's a great recipe to fall back on when you've got friends over because it a) requires virtually no prep, and b) this recipe has taught me that regardless of age, people will lose their shit when it comes to jelly. I stole this recipe from my mum, who in turn got it from a cookbook. I urge you to now steal it from me.
What's the A to V?
Mango is a fantastic source of vitamin A, while the passion fruit packs as powerful a punch as the lime does when it comes to vitamin C.
Ingredients (serves 4-6):
5 leaves of gelatine
475ml of mango juice (a carton of juice is totally fine. No need to go overboard and start milking mangoes)
Juice of 1 lime
3 passion fruit, seeds and pulp scooped out
60g sugar