For a micronutrient rich diet

Soy and mint chilli courgette

The A to V. foods rich in vitamin C.

I use courgette in the same way I do onion and garlic, i.e. in absolutely anything I can get away with. A bit like its cousin the mighty aubergine, courgettes are bloody great at providing a neutral canvas to soak up punchier flavours. And roasting this veg is a surefire way to bring out its unctuous squashy sweetness, although I've stir-fried it here inspired by Ed Smith's excellent On the Side.

What's the A to V?

Good for contributing towards your daily dose of vitamin C, vitamin B2, B6 and choline; the almost-man of the vitamin world.

Ingredients (serves 4 as a side):

2 courgettes, sliced (I like a mix of discs and matchsticks)

1 tbsp of sesame oil

2 tsps soy sauce or tamari

1 tsp of mirin

1 tsp of rice vinegar

2 cm of fresh ginger, peeled

A generous handful of coriander and mint to finish, finely chopped

A sprinkle of sesame seeds and a drizzle of chilli oil (both optional) to serve



Heat the oil in a pan or wok at a high heat. Add your courgette to the pan, but don't move them about too much. The aim here is nicely browned pieces with a bit of bite.

After a couple of minutes, turn the courgette pieces over, and cook for a further 2-3 minutes. Add the mirin, soy sauce and rice vinegar to the pan, stir, and grate your ginger over the top. Turn off the heat and - keeping your pan on the hob - sprinkle over your herbs.

Serve with a sprinkle of sesame seeds and a generous drizzle of chilli oil.